Linux Mint 17.2 - Rafaela | Linux Mint 17.2 - Rafaela For those out there running Linux Mint, or wanting to, there is a new version available. The official release took place on June 30, 2015 and includes many improvements. Linux Mint has minimal System Requirements. The requirements are: 512MB RAM (1GB recommended for How to install DEB packages on Ubuntu & Linux Mint 2 days ago · Linux is growing faster than ever. As per the latest report, there is a drop in the Windows 10 market share for the first time, and Linux's market share has improved to 2.87% this month. Most of the features in the list were rolled out in the Pop OS 20.04. Let's a detailed look into the new features, how to upgrade, and a ride through video. Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint: Which One Should You Use? - Make

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Linux Mint Cinnamon grabs the GNOME Terminal as the default terminal emulator. On the other hand, Linux Mint Cinnamon uses the MATE Terminal as the terminal emulator. Image viewer. Both Linux Mint Cinnamon and MATE features Xviewer as the default image viewer. It’s a great software that’s based on Eye of GNOME. Media player May 14, 2020 · More Ways to Make Linux Mint Look like a Mac If you’re minded to make the Mint desktop more like Mac OS X there are some additional things you can do to curate a Cupertino-style aesthetic on the Cinnamon desktop. You can move Mint desktop panels easily. Jan 18, 2011 · The look and feel of LMDE is pure GNOME (2.30.2), with a strong touch of green. It’s very much a GNOME desktop, too, with the standard GNOME menu enhanced by the Mint menu. It took me a second to get the hang of the Mint menu, but once I understood its navigation, I found it easier to explore and more informative than the same feature in Ubuntu. Change the look and feel of Cinnamon with themes! Mint-X-Dark. Download 4 Brought to you by LINUX MINT

Linux Mint 19 Timeshift utility is also available. Just search on KDE Menu and you should be able to find it. The Timeshift utility of Linux Mint 19 is running on KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment just fine. The Linux Mint 19’s graphical firewall program is also available as you can see from the screenshot below. Firefox web browser also works

Today I thought I’d share a few screenshots of my Linux Mint desktop, which I got to look kinda like Windows 7. The advantage of doing this is that you might be able to get some users to use Linux Mint if they have an environment they are comfortable in. […] Linux Mint uses the same installer as Ubuntu. It is very easy to use for beginners, and also allows more advanced users to choose their own partitions. Linux Mint's Cinnamon desktop is highly customizable and can be made to look however preferred.